Today is the first day of my BEBE's new job. He will be an INVENTORY CLERK at iQOR inside the CLARK AIR BASE. I am so excited when i heard about it. After a long wait, its now finally here. He even felt giving up, its not that easy for him so all i can give is the encouragement & advices that would help him stood still for what he really wanted. I feel so proud of him. There's no reason i wouldn't, its not easy to find jobs now.. Even at a minimum salary,its still a price to be proud of. And another experience that can make him stand-out on his own.
I hope by this time, we can save certain money for ourselves & for the plans that are waiting to be accomplish. It always a great feeling when he's telling me this phrase " i will work for u " .. That's really a super nice feeling, hope it would last & be keep as a promise. And i promise back to him that i would do my obligation to fill the role of being a wifey, do all the stuffs that i need to do & be good as i am waiting for him to come back HOME.
I am so THANKFUL my LORD for giving us this blessing.. WELOVEYOU papa JESUS:)
Miyerkules, Mayo 18, 2011
Linggo, Mayo 15, 2011
INCOMPLETE yet trying to be HAPPY
Why is that, i wrote that title ? Umm.. probably that's how i felt deep inside my heart.. oh ! I am pretty sure i guess, but its not just obvious to me that i am having that certain kind of feeling at my age now.. yeah, i guess you'll say i'm too young to talk something about a SERiOUS LiFE would be.. but then growing up w/ a broken family leads me on thinking too seriously in such matter. I don't able to experience life with a wonderful, complete members of a family. I used to it, at an early age i grew up having no dad by my side, he'd like to spend time w/ me & my siblings few months after they were separated .. i just thought it would never end, that things won't changed into worst. But my mistake of having that thought on my mind, cause its not.. and will not gonna happen. They build there own FAMiLY, yes they have their own. Supposedly, it was not meant to happen that early but time is too fast running .. i just realized that their growing too fast as a family. They even doubled the numbers.. haha^__^ too funny. Honestly, i got to envy them for being that intact, i am longing for a DAD but it seems Life can be unfair sometimes, that HE will not give all the things that u would wanted. 11 years now, as being in this situation, i have learned so many things about the FAMiLY issue that really happens for real..
I would love to have a COMPLETE HAPPY FAMiLY, as anyone would have. I am not into a big house, a luxury car , lots of money not even being a famous to others but just having a SiMPLE CONTENTED GOD-FEARiNG FAMily is enough. My DREAM FAMiLY. I can't achieved it anymore .. i know.. with my MOM & BROTHER ,they all have left for me.. no DAD. Can u call it COMPLETE ? Of course not. I accepted it w/ all my heart. GOD has better reason for it..
Now, having my own Life, away from my them, is not that easy. Yes, i am happy to be with my soon to be HUSBAND & the MAN of my Life -- JAYSON KOBAYAKAWA. With him, were planning to build our own family this time soon.. i knew that i had mentioned my complication of bearing a child, not that easy for me but in GOD's will i know it will happen. I am that eager to pursue my greatest dream ..
I would love to have a COMPLETE HAPPY FAMiLY, as anyone would have. I am not into a big house, a luxury car , lots of money not even being a famous to others but just having a SiMPLE CONTENTED GOD-FEARiNG FAMily is enough. My DREAM FAMiLY. I can't achieved it anymore .. i know.. with my MOM & BROTHER ,they all have left for me.. no DAD. Can u call it COMPLETE ? Of course not. I accepted it w/ all my heart. GOD has better reason for it..
Now, having my own Life, away from my them, is not that easy. Yes, i am happy to be with my soon to be HUSBAND & the MAN of my Life -- JAYSON KOBAYAKAWA. With him, were planning to build our own family this time soon.. i knew that i had mentioned my complication of bearing a child, not that easy for me but in GOD's will i know it will happen. I am that eager to pursue my greatest dream ..
Martes, Mayo 10, 2011
MY FAULT.. Sorry for that..
I know in my 23 years of being a human living this world, i may not be close to PERFECTiON. I have done things intentional/unintentional.. Yes, i admit it. I have this wrong attitude of mine that never wanted to be down by others, coz when they did.. i will never forget that bad impression they have shown me and even lasted for a long long time.. its called " PAGKiMKiM ng SAMA ng LOOB ". Though there were times that the bad things just happen, be ended. I know myself, i can forgive but never forgets.. MOViNG ON ? oh no.. that's not really easy for me.. moving on means trusting that person again that once hurt u, right ? or just a thought that giving him/her another chance to be part of your life once again.. no no no.. i DON't want it !! but there were times its happens.. again & again.. Its true, i am weak in this kind of matter. I just wanted to have that peace of mind in me.. So once, given the chance, i used to try to build the certain trust i might give.. but honestly, i'm in doubt, lot of times. So, what did u think of my behavior ? I think, its no good for me.. though i'm not forcing myself to do such thing. Its not easy .. i have to keep myself in good term so that it will not affect my daily mood.. Yes,its true ! It really did happen.. :(
Got a NEW phone !
Nokia X2-01 [ May 04'2011]
After a long time of not having a new phone, now
i got a new one.. I am not so into GADGETS , i'm just being happy & contented with what i have. I am not so MATERiALiSTiC person, when i have mine, its enough for me as long as i can still used it , then i'll be fine with it. This Phone was from my bebe JAYSON's own earned money, while the other is from the cash i sold from the old CP. EXACTLY, during the time we were trying to find a good one, this comes in a PROMO. We're lucky, yes we are to spotted this ON SALE !!! its really a big discount for us so not to regret selling the old and adding his own money we bought it.. & now its MinE ! i have my NEW PHONE here.. & it was really amazing.. i really appreciated it, knowing that the money doesn't come from anyone but his own.. I will take care of this. I PROMiSE bebe ko..
Miyerkules, Abril 27, 2011
This video was made by my bebe JAYSON KOBAYAKAWA just for me.. before doing this he had to do an effort to memorize the song so he can truely understand the lyrics,, & he did well. He made really an effort, i am so touched by this simple way of showing how the song really fits into me, as he thought when choosing the song. This man barely express his emotions & deep feelings about me.. so i was very shock & so glad about the video .. it really made my day. He made me SMiLE.. as always,, and i am so so falling for him in a different way others may not understand.. But just wanna say that this person.. from the day we met really captured my LOViNG heart.. It was great to have him in my life.. ^________^
April 27,2011
Lunes, Abril 25, 2011
ALYSSA BERNAL -- My YouTube Idol
Life is about EXPERiENCES..
LiFE is full of surprises, many doubt it as they experience bad things about yet they learned to accept it when something is right, the way they wanted it to be. In my 23 years of living, I've learned so many things here. Yeah,i'm one those thinks badly about my life when i'm at my lowest point, i wasn't so blessed, that's what i thought. But in my everyday experience, i came to a point that i just need to identify the things that would make me happy & avoid the things that can hurt me.. Sometimes, we could not expect things to happen. Its really unexpected, it can make u cry & make u feel down. Like as if there's no tomorrow to come..
I can say that i almost, not all but just almost experienced lot of things that a normal person would have. During my school days, i enjoyed it but there's this time that i stumble & fall from my own mistakes.. I lose hope, i panic, i started to think things so negatively. I just wanted to end up with nothing.. But as i learned that its just a part of being a student surrounded by crowd, u can almost feel all the pressure, all the emotions u can feel. U get to know different kind of people, there's TRUE & not so TRUE. They can be a FRiEND or an enemy, or simply an acquintance. But as the school year ends, u can actually determined who will stand by the friendship u have build in the past years. Yes, i have few of them on my list, that until now i can call them as a FRiEND. We never got the chance to recall all the things that we did before, but the fact that i know, deep down inside, they still know me & still remember the things that we've been through since we've met. Their just around, with their own different lives. And just me here, nothing changed.. still the person they once knew.Being a student for a long time is an unforgettable experience you'll never forget til we get old.. and I'll always treasure the memories of me being a STUDENT, a friend, a companion, a classmate but never as an enemy .. :)
Now let's talk further about a second phase of my life, that i never knew i would feel at a young age --being IN LOVE. Oh yeah,, at a very young age of 14, i felt it. And it was really true, At first, it was just a thing that makes me blushed, a sweet thing that i wish to forward the time so i'm able to see this guy. Makes me wake-up with a smile on my face & inspired me to dress-up & feel good about myself coz i know that somebody would appreciate the beauty once he saw me looking even better.. That's what they called BLOOMiNG. Not so many times I've felt it but it just struck me straightly from the heart. So I called it LOVE at FiRST SiGHT. It's a happy & lovable feeling, and u just wanna keep it that way, but no no no.. It wasn't as I expected it so easily, I've met so many conflict during this time, that i am not sure myself to just passed it without feeling nothing about it.. But I'm really thankful for the experience. It was a great time to reminisce all the little things of my YOUNG LOVE story..
I just learned to accept & appreciate every little chapter of my life now.Whether it is GOOD or BAD.
That's it for now.. let just talk a little more further the next time I'll visit my page. Thank you for reading this topic... It makes me feel better now, it always feels good to remember those happy times. GOOD DAY !
April 26, 2011 9:00 am
I can say that i almost, not all but just almost experienced lot of things that a normal person would have. During my school days, i enjoyed it but there's this time that i stumble & fall from my own mistakes.. I lose hope, i panic, i started to think things so negatively. I just wanted to end up with nothing.. But as i learned that its just a part of being a student surrounded by crowd, u can almost feel all the pressure, all the emotions u can feel. U get to know different kind of people, there's TRUE & not so TRUE. They can be a FRiEND or an enemy, or simply an acquintance. But as the school year ends, u can actually determined who will stand by the friendship u have build in the past years. Yes, i have few of them on my list, that until now i can call them as a FRiEND. We never got the chance to recall all the things that we did before, but the fact that i know, deep down inside, they still know me & still remember the things that we've been through since we've met. Their just around, with their own different lives. And just me here, nothing changed.. still the person they once knew.Being a student for a long time is an unforgettable experience you'll never forget til we get old.. and I'll always treasure the memories of me being a STUDENT, a friend, a companion, a classmate but never as an enemy .. :)
Now let's talk further about a second phase of my life, that i never knew i would feel at a young age --being IN LOVE. Oh yeah,, at a very young age of 14, i felt it. And it was really true, At first, it was just a thing that makes me blushed, a sweet thing that i wish to forward the time so i'm able to see this guy. Makes me wake-up with a smile on my face & inspired me to dress-up & feel good about myself coz i know that somebody would appreciate the beauty once he saw me looking even better.. That's what they called BLOOMiNG. Not so many times I've felt it but it just struck me straightly from the heart. So I called it LOVE at FiRST SiGHT. It's a happy & lovable feeling, and u just wanna keep it that way, but no no no.. It wasn't as I expected it so easily, I've met so many conflict during this time, that i am not sure myself to just passed it without feeling nothing about it.. But I'm really thankful for the experience. It was a great time to reminisce all the little things of my YOUNG LOVE story..
I just learned to accept & appreciate every little chapter of my life now.Whether it is GOOD or BAD.
That's it for now.. let just talk a little more further the next time I'll visit my page. Thank you for reading this topic... It makes me feel better now, it always feels good to remember those happy times. GOOD DAY !
April 26, 2011 9:00 am
Linggo, Abril 24, 2011
Starting My Day after HOLY WEEK
Its Hot Hot Monday today, now i am starting my week with a healthy habit which is the ZUMBA. I have gained lots of weight this pass 2 weeks now, didn't make it continually because of some valid reason such as my PERiOD, and having a fever for a couple of days. So now, i am beginning again.. Right this very moment around 2pm in the afternoon,urgh.. gosh its so hot in here !! have to get up & start my exercise routine.. so be back later.. i really need this , its for my own benefits so.. i have to do it..have no choice.LOL :-) BE BACK later..
April 25' 2011 2:00pm
April 25' 2011 2:00pm
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